
Category: Business

The definition and operation of future markets in Hong Kong
10 Sep 2022

The definition and operation of future markets in Hong Kong

Futures, derivatives, and other derivative markets are financial marketplaces where derivative products are bought and sold. Derivatives are financial agreements that derive their value from the underlying asset. The most common derivatives are futures contracts, options, and swaps. In a future mark

BYOB- Be Your Own Boss; 5 Tips for Getting Started
11 Nov 2020

BYOB- Be Your Own Boss; 5 Tips for Getting Started

The hum-drum life of living on a 9-to-5 work schedule can really get you down. Many people actually consider it one of the worst possible outcomes in life, especially if they’re doing something that they don’t enjoy in the least.  Now, there’s nothing wrong with working your butt

How Prepared Are You to Unload Your Company?
22 Aug 2020

How Prepared Are You to Unload Your Company?

If the thought of selling your company has come to mind, how prepared will you be to follow through on this? Selling a company is in fact a big step in one’s life. As such, it needs to be thoroughly thought out ahead of time. So, are you thinking now is the time to sell? […]

Marketing Tips for When Times are Tough
1 Jun 2020

Marketing Tips for When Times are Tough

Economically challenging times truly test the mettle of business owners. It’s easy to stay afloat when the contacts, leads and sales are rushing in at a precipitous rate, but tough times are when you really need to get organized. You need to cut costs as much as possible, but one area where you ne

Are Small Business Expenses Getting the Better of You?
7 Apr 2020

Are Small Business Expenses Getting the Better of You?

How long have you been a small business owner? In the time you have been in business, have expenses gotten the better of you? Yes, running a small business can be time-consuming and even provide for some stress. That said you want to do the best you can when it comes to your money situation. [&helli

3 Keys to a Better Business Strategy
28 Feb 2020

3 Keys to a Better Business Strategy

If you had to off the top of your head note your business strategy, could you do it in a short amount of time? While most companies have mission statements, some fail to come up with the best strategy. As a result, it can leave them on the outside looking in as competitors come out […]

How to Identify the Best SEO Agency for Your Company
4 Oct 2019

How to Identify the Best SEO Agency for Your Company

When you put out a requisition for a Search Engine Optimization agency it’s very likely that you’ll receive upward of thirty responses. They will all make the claim that they are the best SEO Agency in town and will deliver amazing results for you. So how do you whittle down the list to identify